Thursday, July 21, 2011

Review : BORN AT MIDNIGHT by C.C. Hunter

From the back cover : One night Kylie Galen finds herself at the wrong party, with the wrong people, and it changes her life forever. Her mother ships her off to Shadow Falls—a camp for troubled teens, and within hours of arriving, it becomes painfully clear that her fellow campers aren’t just “troubled.” Here at Shadow Falls, vampires, werewolves, shapshifters, witches and fairies train side by side—learning to harness their powers, control their magic and live in the normal world.Kylie’s never felt normal, but surely she doesn’t belong here with a bunch of paranormal freaks either. Or does she? They insist Kylie is one of them, and that she was brought here for a reason. As if life wasn’t complicated enough, enter Derek and Lucas. Derek’s a half-fae who’s determined to be her boyfriend, and Lucas is a smokin’ hot werewolf with whom Kylie shares a secret past. Both Derek and Lucas couldn’t be more different, but they both have a powerful hold on her heart. Even though Kylie feels deeply uncertain about everything, one thing is becoming painfully clear—Shadow Falls is exactly where she belongs…

Double Helix Review : 4 and a half out of 5 stars.

This book surprised me. I expected it to be completely predictable from start to finish, but instead I was treated to a fun and unexpected view inside Shadow Falls Camp. Kylie's dry, sarcastic wit made it easy to navigate through the story, which I found myself getting more into as the pages passed. It was interesting to watch Kylie's character develop from a shy sideliner into an almost brazen, take-charge type. Wondering what choices she would make and who she would fall for between the two male leads kept the pages turning!

My favourite part of the book was the menagerie of a supporting cast. From shapeshifters to vampires to witches to werewolves (and lets not forget faeries!), this book has it all! My favourite character had to be the vampire Della, whose cynical gait throughout made me laugh. Boy crazy and dyslexic Miranda was also a hoot. And who can leave out steamy Derek, who is every girl's dream? Yummy, yum, NOM!

What made this book so enjoyable was that even though it's about going off to supernatural "learn-about-yourself" camp, it's also quite relateable to the reader of any age. Kylie is dealing with her parent's divorce, a boyfriend breaking up with her because she wouldn't put out, and with finding out who she really is. We've all gone through something like "growing pains" in our lives and can relate, which makes the book an easy read.

It has just the right chill factor, due to the number of vicious vampires and scary ghosts involved. And for the romantic, the intrigue between Kylie and Derek, and Kylie and Lucas fits the bill. Who will she choose? That's the kind of stuff that keeps you wanting to read the next book, AWAKE AT DAWN, which is released later this year.

Extremely well written, a great coming of age read for anyone to love. Pick it up and Enjoy!

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